/ The Minimal Scientist: Who am I?


Who am I?

Hi my name is Katie Tinker I have a degree in Environmental Geography and a masters in Environmental Science and Management. I believe that having an understanding of how our world works means more people will make an informed choice on what they do, the products they use and how they treat the world around them. I feel more and more people are becoming disconnected from the world around them, worst of all is the reduction in children enjoying the outdoors. So whilst this is an online blog I will always encourage people of all ages to get out into the world and see it for themselves.

Peppermint the Candy Cane Zebra is my own creation all images are hand drawn on paper and scanned in by me. The Peppermint face logo on all Peppermint images is also my own creation. Please feel free to spread Peppermints messages but always link back to this blog. Thank you and enjoy.

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